This post is for our fellow UE4 developers, based on an issue that we encountered recently with UE4’s World Browser. If this post, and posts like these can help spare you headaches and turmoil, then that would be very gratifying for us!
If you are using the world browser to construct your world you may have noticed that cooking a build for a standalone game is causing the build to fail.
To overcome this issue until the next UE4 update first locate the DefaultEngine ini file and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
In the ServerDefaultMap and GlobalDeaultGameMode section change your map names to a standard default map e.g. =/Game/Maps/Example_Map
Now open the DefaultEditor file and add the location of your world browser map folder. This is to ensure the map and its packages associated with it are cooked.
Proceed to the engine and cook the build as normal. Once the cook has completed return to the DefaultEngine file and change the map name back to the folder containing your world browser maps.
We hope you find this UE4 world browser work-around information useful and as ever if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by email, or posting on the forum (links below).
Thanks for reading, and we’ll be back later with more!