Greetings Pioneers!
Today we have our first update of the year, there have been many critical issues raised over the past few weeks that we have resolved, in addition to doing a lot of optimisation work. We are also giving you the first prototype of our in-game mini-map!
Official servers are currently down for maintenance but will be updated as soon as possible.
Thanks to your feedback we were able to find and fix many things! Here is a full list of additions, changes and fixes:
- Introduction of an In Game Map prototype, which shows the locations of all players and Eden Kits within your Colony. Press the ’M’ key to access.
- Friendly players from your Colony now also show up on your compass.
- Added Enable Controller Vibration option to the Options Menu for Gamepad users.
- The Eden Kit Shield extent has been increased at lower levels. Maximum extent remains the same.
- Eden Kits now cost 1 Teslinium, down from 2.
- Day and Night lighting pass – We revisited colour balancing in order to brighten up all shadows during the day without losing the darkness of the night. We also included small performance improvements.
- Players now need to be next to the Eden kit to access it, not just within its Shield.
- Reduced patrol enemies that spawn at night and attack a player’s base.
- Fix for an issue where players were losing affiliation in multiplayer when loading a saved server game.
- Structural Integrity optimisations for Building Blocks..
- New AI spawning and deleting system. Inactive AI are destroyed, Fauna are now destroyed at night to improve the performance of the server.
- Fixes to saving and loading on the server for issues with ownership of structures and clans.
- Improvements to the network performance and the ping counter reliability.
- Fix for the issue where Eden kit markers would remain on the compass after leaving the clan.
- Fix for being able to access other people’s Eden Kits from anywhere in their Shield.
- Fix for being unable to access the tab menu after using the chat widget.
- Fix for the issue where swapping the indexes of 2 equipped primary modules or weapons would accidentally remove the build module.
- Fix for AI only spawning at one Eden Kit location at night. Each Eden Kit will now get attacked in sequence one after another. This is to ensure the performance on the server remains manageable.
- General fixes for wave spawning at night for both the player and the player bases.
- Added maximum values to the amount of AI in the world in order to prevent potential bugs from choking the servers.
- Fix for the crash caused by getting killed by your former turrets after leaving a colony.
- Fix for a server crash caused by dying whilst in a colony.
- Fix for a crash caused by chat while on the death screen.
- Fix for AI sometimes dying as as they spawn near their hives.
- Fix for an outer reticle remaining on the screen when a player switches to their weapon.
- Repositioned the Pistol’s iron sights so they now match up to the crosshair.
- Fix for the issue where the server’s save data would get reset if the server autosaved before any player joined after loading.
- Fix for the Eden Kit compass markers accuracy.
- Fix for the SMG’s Iron Sights appearing slightly off-center.
- Tweaks to Pioneer’s 3rd person mesh weighting to reduce clipping (http://imgur.com/GzuapRZ)
- Spelling and formatting fixes for the UI.
- …and many many more! Don’t forget you can always post up on our Trello board or Steam forums if you encounter any other bugs in Eden Star!
Coming soon, a new inventory system is first on the priority, cleaning out the old UI in favour of a shiney new one. See last week’s Dev Blog for more information including updates on lights and lock boxes:
Further optimisations will be ongoing in the runup to the release of the new map (starting with 16 squared km!), new enemies, weapons and more. Keep an eye on our public Trello Board for more information:
Our latest known issue list has been updated. As always, please let us know of any other bugs or issues you find and we will work on fixes for subsequent updates.
See you in the fray!
– Team Flix