Category Archives: Progress


The Paladin

These guardians are elite augmented shock troopers, tasked with defense and/or retrieval of Spire technology in conjunction with precognitive assault duties against aggressors, opportunistic pirates/corporations and rebellious colonists. They are traditionally considered to be the hand of the Citadel amongst the stars; the elite, blessed warriors, unparalleled in combat and void of emotional recourse. The purpose of a Paladins existence is dedicated to exalting the technology crafted from within the forge by the machine-mind, nested within the core of the Citadel Devinium. The law that drives their judgement is written directly into their central cortex and has become a form of religion spawned by the Council of Nations. These laws are the judgement that they enact upon anyone or anything that threatens humanity, or more specifically, the Council and its allies.

eden star guard posed


This is just a small snippet of the lore surrounding this character and so I hope everyone likes the piece – anyone notice that the Drone under foot does not appear to be mechanical…?

Plenty more coming soon…

Eden Star – A New Frontier

So what are we actually up to? We’ve been hard at work developing a preview trailer for the game itself, to showcase how we want the the final game to feel. In parallel we’ve been coding away equally as hard at the gameplay, which we will be featuring more later in the summer.

To cast more light on the games atmosphere and lore we will be doing several features on an upcoming trailer. This weeks development snippet has been put together by myself, Matt, the art director here at Flix.

This is by far one of the larger game assets I’ve been developing, I’m going to briefly present the Eden Star herself! which I’ve been working on for the past month, detailing, and getting the large scale feel right. The ship design came about from many different movie and game influences, and is quite monstrous in terms of real world size.

The images shown are taken from mesh development to a glimpse of her near to final appearance in Engine.

eden star frontier class migration vessel

So a bit of information about the ship…

The Eden Star is a Frontier Class Migration Vessel (FCMV) sent out to Pharus 07. Her mission – to support and deploy teams of colonists and miners that you are spearheading, mainly for acquisition of rare and exotic resources which ultimately is one of the games focal mechanics. She is about 1 km in length and supports a crew compliment of 2,500. She is also the first vessel to of been sent out this far, kitted out for deep space colonisation and advanced deploy-able hardware for Terra forming.

I’ll leave it short and sweet as I’ve been told I can’t spoil too much…

Next week we’ll be previewing some more aspects of the games visuals, with some very beautiful concept pieces from one of our resident ninja artists – Gavin Li.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re as excited as I am about this year!

Combat Tech/Demo Overview

Today we’re going to show you around the processes and design behind our Alpha-version Combat Demo Courtesy of our Level Designer, Chris Kefalas.

Hi, my name is Chris Kefalas, one of the Level Designers on Eden Star. Today I wanted to talk you through the elements that were focused on whilst developing the initial level designs for one of our combat/tech demo arenas…

Although we are pushing towards an open-world feel to Pharus_07, we decided that the initial mandate for the play-space required the arena to challenge and test how you interact and move around dynamic and destructible environments, whilst being compact enough for us to edit the world easily when required. A smaller map allowed us to develop the freerunning player movement whilst at the same time helped us to encourage encounters in order to challenge the dynamic nature of our Octree AI navigation with the physics based combat.

When we first started to build the designs I worked in a traditional manner, alongside our lead artist and concept artists, to create mood boards and sketches of how we wanted the level to look and feel. We aimed to challenge the flexibility of future gameplay by building the area from a modular set of smaller assets, in a manner not dissimilar to how we intended to implement the creative-construction aspect of the gameplay in future iterations.

eden star screenshot

I then worked with our Art team to create a rapid first pass on the modular assets that we envisaged being some of the prototype objects that we will later use for the spawn-able building blocks . We then used these primitives as the basis for the obstacles and features within the map.

eden star screenshot

Early Version tech/demo layout

Although primarily a combat-test environment, I also wanted to provide the first glimpse of a polished artistic, playable experience within the world of Eden Star. Therefore, working to a level of aesthetic quality enabled the devs to push the AI behavior and physical reactions to match with the resulting animations and PFX with greater ease. With certain objects implemented as destructible assets, I wanted to allow the player to change the shape of the play-space in an aggressive manner, focusing on the interactive and destructible parts to the environment that would represent the core of how the final game world may feel.

eden star screenshot

After the initial feedback and testing, I found that employing multiplayer map creation techniques allowed us to run around the space without the need to stop or become trapped. This worked well and mirrors what we want from the final world, allowing you to use the fluid movement mechanics to navigate freely between obstacles and gain access to areas that appear unreachable at first glance.

eden star tech demo level screenshot

The central section encourages focused action, housing the first implementation of our custom Apex actors which provide an area where you can cause all kinds of chaos in combat; smashing enemies and objects into and between destructible pillars in real time.

eden star grab

The outer area of the map enables us to test and showcase the mantle and movement mechanics, but also allow you to find a little respite from swarming AI ram attacks! The layout allows you the opportunity to exploit wall run, slide and mantle features, enabling you to navigate from section to section whilst using these skills to evade and attack the AI in whatever manner you wish.

eden star tech demo screenshot

So, this is just a brief description and overview of the first demo area, although we will not commit to time frames as of yet, we will aim to release a free public playable version of this area at some point in the future. The level design will remain flexible throughout development as we listen to community feedback and continuously improve not only the layout, but all other aspects of Eden Star too. I look forward to sharing more designs with you as the game development progresses!

If you have any questions that are not answered here in this blog, please post up here or onto our facebook page and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can.