Category Archives: Progress

Kickstarter Update #7: The Ika Drone

Hi everyone,
Today we’re releasing a section of lore surrounding the Drones in the Pre-Alpha Combat Tech Demo.

Designed to assist Pioneer candidates in training for the Pharus 7 mission, once on the planet, these drones will able to be deployed as robotic support, assisting players in a variety of situations.

Designed to mimic the aggressive behaviour of the Ika, instances of the Synthetic Ika (SI) Drone will be integrated into training simulations to ensure that Pioneer Candidates gain the necessary experience for deployment to Pharus 7. In these simulations, the drone is designed to target both the Eden Kit and attack candidates directly, destroying any structures that obstruct its line of fire. This behaviour has been observed as the primary tactics of the Ika, a creature thought to be drawn to the energy of the Eden Kit and is capable of de-materialising its surroundings.

Individually susceptible to the MATA-Tool abilities, the SI Drone is designed to attack in groups of three or more, mimicking the swarming behaviour of the Ikas. Agile in flight, the drones can quickly relocate to dodge attacks and maneuver around obstacles. Reinforced panels and Teslinium-assisted engines allow the drone to perform aerial attacks, bursting forward to ram moving targets with a powerful force. It will attempt to navigate around its target’s line of sight and attack from behind or above, favouring surprise attacks.

eden star ika robot


Designed for a similar environment to Pharus 7, the drone’s claw-tipped limbs provide a tripod of support on rocky terrain and allow it to maintain stability when aiming and firing. Armed with Tesudo Corporation rail-tech weaponry, the drone is capable of causing great damage to, and ultimately destroying materialised structures and the Eden Kit itself. The drone will also target Pioneer Candidates with this weaponry. Such aggressive behaviour is intended to equip Pioneers with the necessary skills for the mission ahead, adequate Eden Kit defence is crucial to its success.

Due to its suitability for the environment of Pharus 7, the SI Drone model is a prime candidate for program adjustment and deployment as Support Drones to assist Pioneers on the planet once training is complete. Other drone models are being evaluated for their suitability to the mission. A suitable ally command interface module for MATA-Tool is being designed to allow Pioneers to have greater control over all types of robotic allies without additional training.

Stay tuned for more updates, we’re working on a few gems!

What drones would you like to have in your arsenal? Let us know on the forums.

Thank you for your support!

Kickstarter Update # 5: New Press Videos & Live Streams

For the whole update on Kickstarter, go here!

Hello again, ladies and gentlemen!

We’ve seen news of Eden Star reaching the ears and eyes of many interesting people these past few days! Since you’ve been backing us, Eden Star has been featured in game news all around the web including articles on Rock Paper Shotgun and Joystiq, and an exclusive interview with Pixelenemy’s storym4chine.

There have also been Youtubers and streamers of our community playing our Pre Alpha Combat Tech Demo, such as Bros With Fros and Spootyman who in his latest playthrough of the Demo, builds a huge pyramid fort around his Eden Kit.

eden star couch stream

The Couch Stream, Spootyman’s pyramid fort

We love keeping up with the community’s impression of the tech demo while we keep Eden Star’s production cogs churning in the studio. Be sure to leave us your comments on which streamers or YouTubers you’d like to see playing through our pre-alpha.

Keep in touch, join the community by commenting or starting a discussion in our forum. Also check out Eden Star on FacebookTwitterIndiedb and Steam Greenlight and remember to spread the word!