Category Archives: Progress

Eden Star Update #2

Hello all!


Once again, please vote for Eden Star on Indie DB’s game of the year awards!

indiedb 2013 indie of the year

Indie of the Year Awards

A quick reminder to everyone, and news to those of you who may be new to Eden Star: the Alpha is now available for pre-order via our site!


We are now pretty much done with the Pre-alpha demo and going full-steam ahead on the UE4 Alpha! Here’s what we’ve been upto last week:


Development team:


  • Experimenting with calling C++ functions from Blueprints
  • Implementing mantling prototype and working on persistent destruction
  • Working on making everything in the world robust and persistent across systems in multiplayer



  • Finished last remaining tweak in the Tech Demo (mostly UI related)
  • Testing the viability of procedurally generated content



  • Working on a modular generator device
  • Implementing the first-stages of new construction system
  • Working on some fancy e-book stuff
  • Improving the in-world layout of our vegetation to fit better with gameplay
  • Designing and prototyping various UI elements



  • Making prototype animations for the SplinterMite enemy
  • Working on something ultra-top-secret that’s very exciting and we want to tell you, but can’t… Sorry.

Creature Reveal: The SplinterMite

Hello again, Pioneers!

If you haven’t already, please support us and vote for Eden Star to be Indie DB’s game of the year!

The Vote banner is hidden half way down the page, so scroll down until you find it, and hit the big red button!

indie db of the year 2013

Friday updates are reserved for the tastiest tidbits of Eden Star news, and to kick it off, we’re revealing the first of our ground-based enemies: The Splintermite.

eden star splintermite concept

The Splintermite is a reclusive creature, preferring to stay in the shadows, away from the other dangerous predators on Pharus 7.

Since humankind’s first remote observation of these creatures, their behaviour has changed dramatically. Although the Splintermite is one of the smaller indigenous predators on Pharus 7, they are aggressively territorial and will actively hunt down Pioneers, detonating themselves when close to their target.

The explosive reaction is caused by a volatile mix of crystals and bile that is biologically secreted beneath the creature’s dorsal carapace. Samples from a live specimen have yet to be obtained for study.

eden star splintermite orthographic

This is the second alien creature we have revealed so far, but expect to see more in the near future! More diversity means more challenging combat for players, more tactical gameplay, and a more interesting world to explore!

We’d love to hear your thoughts in the forums! We’ll be back next week with another development news roundup, and more glimpses into the world of Eden Star!

See you then!

Eden Star on Gamepedia!

Greetings, all!

If you haven’t already, please support us and vote for Eden Star to be Indie DB’s game of the year!

The Vote banner is hidden half way down the page, so scroll down until you find it, and hit the big red button!

indie db of the year 2013

A quick reminder to everyone, and news to those of you who may be new to Eden Star: the Alpha is now available for pre-order via our site!

We’re pleased to announce a partnership with our friends at Curse, to bring you the official Eden Star Wiki!

gamepedia logo

eden star wiki on gamepedia with curse


We hope you’ll check there regularly, and help expand it, and make it the most comprehensive source of Eden Star information there is!

If you’ve got any questions about anything you’d like to see in the wiki, please ask us in the forums!

Before I sign off, I want to leave you with a little tease as to what we’ll be revealing tomorrow…

eden star teaser

Can you guess what it is yet?