Category Archives: Progress

Flix on Twitch

Hello everyone!

Tonight we had our inaugural

in which we had a play-session in the UE3 Tech Demo!

eden star livestream preview

We had a bunch of the Flix Developers talking with us on Skype, taking questions and giving us their take on Eden Star, the goings-on behind the scenes, and some unrelated, but entertaining, chatter.

If you missed it, you can see it here on the Flix Interactive Twitch channel. Subscribe to the channel to get alerted next time we stream!

We’re planning on streaming some elements of development such as 3d sculpting, concept art painting, doing Q&A sessions, more play-sessions of the demo and other games we like! We’ll be talking about the process of development, how development of Eden Star is going, and general discussion of the gaming world!

We hope to chat to you next time on the stream!

Eden Star Update #5

Hello again!

We’re sorry about the lack of news last Friday! We are still awaiting permission to show you some exciting things we’ve been working on. When we receive the go-ahead we’ll post it straight up for you!

Development team:

  • Working on a new behaviour system for ground-based AI
  • Working on improving physics interaction
  • Getting the construction system framework in place
  • Organising Blueprint-to-script communications
  • Improving the mantling system
  • Researching ways to improve level-streaming performance


  • Our designers have locked themselves in a room for days, inventing all sorts of exciting stuff including planning how materials, modules, upgrades and generators work
  • Continued sculpting of our large-scale map


  • Improving our HUD and introducing new elements that should give you more situational awareness in a fight
  • Weapon design! Both on the MATA-Tool and off. Some very cool concepts.
  • Refining our vegetation


  • Getting the first-person mesh in Engine with all the first-person animations for MATA-Tool interactions

Pioneer Downtime


I’d like to break up the dry, informative posts with something lighter! I’m considering starting an Eden Star comic of sorts.

eden star comic chris warren

We’re on-track to show you something really cool tomorrow! It’s somewhat of a landmark post, so check back again soon!

Catch you later!
