Category Archives: Progress

Flix on Radio One

Last week we had the guys over from Radio One to discuss the new tax break announcement for the UK Gaming industry, and its impact on how we make games in the UK.

We showed Jonathan @blakeyblogs around the studio, and gave them a run-down on Eden Star, where the team came from, and where we’re going with the game. Understanding how we work, and how passionate we are about the project, it gave some context to our opinions of the tax breaks and how they could help out both Indie teams and larger studios in the UK.

It’s great to hear from the likes of Paul Bray from Team 17 and to see Joe Twist from Ukie being recognised for her effort in getting the tax breaks pushed through.

Check out the full article by clicking below!

BBC Newsbeat: Tax breaks bring ‘new era’ for the UK gaming industry


flix radio one 1 kyle and john


As we like to share the info we know, here’s a basic overview of what the implications to the UK games industry are:

  • Games that qualify will get a 25% tax credit on most of their production budget. This will normally work out to companies getting back about 20% of the cost to create the game.
  • To qualify, a game has to pass the ‘Cultural Test’, to show that it contributes to British or European culture. Games have to get 16 out of a possible 31 points, in four areas: the content of the game (story, characters, underlying material etc); the cultural contribution (how it reflects UK heritage, diversity etc); where it was made; and the nationality of the people who made it.
  • The relief can be claimed on expenditure from 1 April this year. However, the formal legislation still has to be passed now that European approval has been given, so companies will not be able to receive the money until later this year – likely August or September.
  • If the game makes a profit, the relief can be used to reduce the profit that is reported, meaning that the company pays less corporation tax. If the game makes a loss, this loss can be ‘surrendered’ for a direct credit (payment) from HMRC. In both cases, the value of the relief or credit will work out to a maximum of around 20% of the game’s total budget.
  • The relief is available to games of all types and sizes: there are no minimum or maximum budget limits, and it has been designed to be able to support games that continue to be developed after their initial release.


  • The Treasury have estimated that the relief will provide about £35 million of support to the industry per year once it is fully in place, but this is NOT a cap on the amount they are willing to spend.
  • Our friends at TIGA have estimated this will incentivise £188 million additional investment by games companies in the first five years.
  • The tax relief will serve two important goals. Firstly, it makes the UK a far more attractive location for inward investment by large multinational publishers, allowing us to compete fairly with Canada and other countries that offer their own reliefs. However just as importantly, it will provide direct help to indies, meaning that with the right institutional support we have the potential to create a new golden age of independent development, in all different parts of the country.
  • The UK’s existing heritage of games development, our incredible collection of talented developers, and the appealing business environment more broadly mean that we have the potential to become the world leaders in games development, thanks to this tax relief putting us on a level playing field.


Ukie have been instrumental in pushing through the tax breaks for the UK industry. Find out how Ukie have helped at the link below:

Ukie homepage

ukie logo

Ukie have fought hard for the introduction of Games Tax Relief since their formation in 2011. Their CEO Jo Twist, Chair Andy Payne and Vice Chair Ian Livingstone all played a fundamental role in getting tax breaks back on the agenda after the coalition government’s initial opposition.

However, this has only happened because of a united effort by the industry as a whole, and latterly in partnership with UK government. They have worked closely with TIGA and hundreds of companies across the UK to make sure that the tax breaks are designed in a way that reflects how games companies work and will be easy to use.


Thanks for reading, and we’ll be back soon with more news!

Dev Update – SplinterMites…

Hello again from the quaint countryside offices of Flix!

We’re currently showing the pre-alpha demo at EGX Rezzed in Birmingham, and will be until Sunday, so if you’re in the area, why not come over for a look, and chat with some of the devs! It’s a great event, and we’re all very impressed at the quality and creativity of the other Indie games on display. There’s a huge variety of cool ideas, so we encourage everyone who can to check them out in this vibrant showroom setting! It’s an experience you can’t really recreate at home.

The SplinterMite

eden star splintermite model preview

You may remember this post from a while ago when we revealed the concept art for our first ground-based enemy, the SplinterMite. Since then, we’ve been doing a lot of other work on the game, but we certainly haven’t neglected our ugly little friend! The model and textures have been polished up to final game level, and the animations have been developed ready for the AI to be implemented. Right now, they’ve barely got any AI controlling them, but it’s great fun to see them running around the level, and even more fun to blast them and throw them around the landscape!

We’ll be revealing footage of the SpliterMite in-world and scurrying around soon, so stay tuned for more!

The SplinterMite will be able to burrow into the soft earth, and tunnel undetected, unless you force them to surface again. Your structures will be built on sturdy foundations, which the Splintermite cannot burrow through, so the design of your base will help protect yourself from these pack-hunters!

Though SplinterMites are small (about the size of a Labrador, if a Labrador had chitinous armour plates, stabbing blades for legs, and a powerful beak ), they tend to be found moving in packs, and can have unpredictable aggressive behavior.

Stay tuned for further news!

GDC and EGX Rezzed announcement


We’re announcing today that we’ll be showing at EGX Rezzed at the NEC arena, Birmingham from the 28th to 30th March! If you’re around, come along and play the Pre-alpha demo, and let us sign your forehead / sign our foreheads!


GDC 2014

I’m sure that a lot of you reading this have been massively excited by all the news coming from GDC 2014 in San Francisco! Those of us back in the UK are loving reading about all this cool stuff as it comes out, while busily working on Eden Star!

John (CEO) and Matt (Art Director) are actually at GDC now, hard at work showing our Pre-Alpha demo and talking to other developers, technology experts, journalists, and game tech enthusiasts. Ironically, because they’re so busy at the stand, those of us in the UK are probably more up-to-date with GDC news than they are! Poor Matt and John.


So what’s been happening at GDC?

We were pleased to see Virtual Reality being a strong theme, and were impressed by Oculus’ new Rift devkit, and Sony’s Morpheus HMD! There are many more hopefuls in the VR space, and this will hopefully keep the market competitive, and drive the development of better, cheaper VR hardware, and a greater number of game titles developed for VR!

oculus rift

Unreal 4 was released to the public! We have had a great time seeing what it’s capable of over the last few months, and give our sincere thanks to Epic for their amazing support and for developing such an amazing Engine.


unreal engine 4 ue4 logo

An honourable mention must be made for Unity 5! The improvements in lighting, shading, UI and sound mastering look truly amazing. It’s an exciting time to be in the Games industry!

Microsoft and Xbox One have stepped up again, and are showing their support for Indie teams by releasing 25 more Indie titles via the Xbox One Marketplace.

And Matt and John have also been lucky enough to attend the première of Valves new documentary movie Free to Play, now available on YouTube!

And here’s a shot of the theatre it was presented in. Very nice.

indie movie theatre

EGX Rezzed

eurogamer expo rezzed

EGX Rezzed is brought to you by the team behind EGX London (formerly Eurogamer Expo). The show floor will be rammed with all manner of playable games and other game related features and attractions. In previous years the event has had a distinctly PC & indie game flavour, however, for 2014 the show has been expanded to include next gen consoles.

We will be at Stand #11 on the show floor, and will be giving attendees a hands-on demonstration of the Eden Star Pre-alpha Tech Demo. We may even have a cheeky surprise in store for everyone who comes to see us at the stand! As this is our home event we felt we should treat the people of our hometown to a little something special.

One more thing! Last week we posted a PFX blog, and we had a few replies asking for a video or gif! Marcin has very kindly obliged!

Stay tuned for further news!