Category Archives: Progress

March Development Update #2


Greetings Pioneers!
Today we have another development update video for you showcasing the new Regeneration module, selling structures, progress on the IKA -flying enemy- and some Zbrush recordings of some of the awesome things our Art team have been working on…

Please bear in mind that all of these features are work in progress for future updates and are subject to change. If you missed our previous March Development Update video, you can find it here.


So our little ‘Bipedal Neutral Fauna’ creature needs a proper name! We are currently accepting suggestions from the community in this thread. We will pick our favourites from those suggested and let you vote on which one you like best! 🙂

-Team Flix

Eden Star at EGX Rezzed!


Right now we’re thrilled to say Eden Star is playable at EGX Rezzed at the Tobacco Dock in London! We’ve had amazing feedback from everyone so far.

If you’re heading down tomorrow, or happen to already be at Rezzed today then come meet the team and play v0.0.3 at our stand, we’d love to see you there! (We also have awesome posters on offer).

In development news we’ve got a sneak peak for you today. Check out the video below to see what we’ve been concocting.

What we’re showing in this preview is all work in progress for future releases, the footage does not represent the final quality of the features.

Summary of features in development:


  • Laser Turret
  • Laser wall pillar


  • Editable key bindings


  • Neutral Fauna Creature


  • First person player body

We’re also working on fleshing out additional Mata-Tool upgrades that we’ll reveal more of in the future. To keep fully up to date with our current development progress in the mean time, please visit our Public Trello board.

Huge thanks for the support, and check back for more updates!

Pioneer signing off.

Update v0.0.3 – Hotfix


Greetings Pioneers,

Our latest update is more of a hotfix. There have been a few balancing changes and options menu bug fixes. We are working hard on new features for the next update but this hotfix should help with some of the issues people have been having. Enjoy!

Additions, changes and balancing

  • Resolutions have been filtered to keep the writing in the game readable.
  • Available resolutions are now updated from your specific graphics card and/or monitor.
  • Gauss Cannon usage seemed a little weak and it’s weapon spread was large making the weapon not as popular as it rightfully deserves. Increased the Damage and reduced spread to account for these.
  • Turrets Damage has been increased to better help fend off Splintermites


  • Found and Fixed multiple crashes with Mining, including while mining rocks, trees and a delightful one when mining your own Eden Kit, you monster.
  • Squishing more Resolution Bugs. Another possible fix for Black Screen issues.
  • Fixed several Major Bugs with the Eden Kit UI when switching between items inventories.
  • Fixed a bug where the Radial Bars/Outer Reticle would remain invisible with Construction Mode
  • Fixed a bug where Master Audio Volume wasn’t being properly set in the Main Menu, but worked fine when in game (Note* the volume for the Logo Movie is still on and we are looking into this)
  • Re-mapped # key for showing HUD enemies killed to ‘K’ as some users with different keyboard layouts could not use the key properly
  • Fixed Invert Y Axis in Options Menu to Apply when loading into the main game

The Known Issues list has been updated to reflect the current version, fixed bugs have been removed and we’ve added bugs to the list that have been found since release. Please continue to let us know about any issues as well as any suggestions so that we can work on making Eden Star the best it can be.