Category Archives: Progress

v0.1.9 Easter Crash Fix!


Greetings Pioneers!

Because Easter is a time of joy and sharing, we have implemented a fix for the current crash issue you were all reporting. Steam is now updating and we hope this will resolve the major issue at hand!

Please update your servers now and let us know of any other issues on our steam bugs forum

For more in depth information on our development progress you can always check out our public Trello board.

Thank you and Happy Easter to all!

See you in the fray

– Team Flix

v0.1.9 Hotfix Released!


Greetings Pioneers!

We hope you’re enjoying the new inventory, thank you to all the feedback and bugs you’ve been reporting. This week we have been working on a hotfix for a few of the issues left over or found since the last release.

We’re also releasing a couple of new shapes of stairs for the primitives category. You can now build L and U shaped stair pieces to reach higher places without taking up as much space horizontally! We’ve also been cracking on with the next sprint, scroll down to find out what we’ve been up to.


Important: If you are running a server from the previous version you will need to update it to the latest one to run with v0.1.9 .

Changelist –


  • Added L shaped and U shaped staircase Primitives.


  • Ikas and Ika Vipers now also drop Plasmafire on death, so it’s not only the Splintermites that are valuable to kill. We are still considering what kind of reward to give for interacting with other creatures. If you have interesting ideas, we’d love to hear them!
  • In your Inventory UI, we made the items you have equipped (in the Loadout Column on the bottom of the UI) not also appear as duplicates in the Inventory Column.
  • Removed the Materialise Module and Baton from being a craftable Schematics in the Armoury, you always start with them anyway.
  • Removed the approximate aim at structures to access them in the menu, now you must have direct line of sight and be looking straight at any point on the Item from with a certain range. This is cheaper and less error prone.
  • Roughly doubled the number of neutral creatures and random flora that spawn in the world. In addition, Vogel and Sac Plants now spawn in barren areas.
  • Added sound effects to the Armoury while Crafting is in progress.
  • Upgrade Column in the UI will switch Upgrade Tree’s when you select a new item in the Inventory
  • Slightly darkened the UI backing to be less transparent
  • Modified weapon spread and moving weapon spread to go with new weapon spread fixes


  • Fixed large memory leak in the game to do with Ikas
  • Fixed issue where upgraded Eden Kits returned to level 0 upon reloading.
  • Fixed issue where upgraded Eden Kits do not update the power level.
  • Fixed AI spawning issue in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Enemy Arrows remaining on screen permanently when you die
  • Fixed a bug where you could drag an item in the UI, then while holding the mouse button close the UI. This would leave the item being dragged on screen and leave you unable to use your Weapons
  • Fixed the UI not refreshing when equipping/unequipping items sometimes in multiplayer
  • Fixed the UI menu amount of Items in your Inventory not updating when Activating upgrades or crafting Schematics.
  • Fixed the Description Column (right of the UI Menu) not refreshing your held Item amounts after Crafting
  • Fixed UI bug for Activated upgrades not displaying their green highlights when first opening the Upgrade Menu.
  • Fixed Upgrade Menu not displaying the correct amount of dots.
  • Fixed a few bugs to do with equipping/unequipping in the UI by dragging directly out of your Loadout/equipped items column
  • Fixed an issue causing one of the two Lockboxes build in the same grid cell to be inaccessible.
  • Fixed when mining at a distance, pfx would appear at the end of the mine range even though it hits nothing
  • Fixed an issue preventing placing walls on the sides of the Armoury.
  • Fixed a small audio bug with the exploding Sac, that was causing it to cut off when it got destroyed.
  • Fixed HUD indicator for minerals gathered not showing in multiplayer.
  • Fixed HUD amounts gathered variable value displaying double.
  • Fixed single player starting inventory to include the Pistol.
  • Fixed weird jitter bug when walking backwards.
  • Fixed another jitter bug (yes that song’s now in your head), when crafting several items at once, the background progress spinner would sometimes misbehave by either flickering, remaining full permanently or resetting to 0 depending on the configuration.
  • Fixed the build menu radial wheel not remembering your last selected item correctly.
  • Fix for when dropping a bag, you could add more items to it than the Dropbag can hold.
  • Fixed Revert all Keybindings button not reverting the UI Menu key to I, but to Tab instead
  • Fixed in the UI that Lockboxes and Dropbags bith were named “Lockbox” in the column tabs
  • Fixed UI close buttons not working anytime after the first time you open the menu within a session
  • Fixed closing the menu while having a popup open left the ui onscreen during gameplay
  • Fixed handbob not working correctly on some weapons, and it’s readded to reticles on the Tool
  • Fixed logic for weapon spread on all the weapons
  • Fixed issue where weapon spread was not increasing while moving
  • Fixed issue with gauss gun upgrade making weapon spread non existent
  • Fixed being able to melee hit really fast
  • Fixed issue with being able to deal double melee damage when pressing two melee buttons

Here’s what we’ve been up to this week:

John – Lead Designer

If you have been following our Twitter feed :: @EdenStarGame you will have seen that I attended SXSW festival :: as Eden Star had been nominated for the Best Single Player game award.SxSW02

I had an amazing time meeting people and playing the latest release of Eden Star, plus a whole host of other amazing indie games and a few bands (looking at you – StarBomb! ). I also had the privilege to be asked to talk on multiple stages including joining the guys from Twitch to reveal some of the guys latest work on the Juggernaut Class enemy type!


So this week have been working with the guys to organise the next big leap forward which will be our next Milestone which will encompass many things including the Survival Mechanics, additional Neutral Fauna (and drops from the Fauna), and our first steps towards how we will drive game tutorials and Objectives…

Matt – Art Director

Many LOD models were created this day, infact over the last several days. Polygons were sacrificed for the greater good of framerate, and the optimisation gods are now smiling.. Below this image gives you a rough idea of how many pieces I’ve had to make for one of our build sets, and each piece required at least one, sometimes two LOD models. *Wipes sweat from brow* IT IS DONE.


Lee – Technical Director

Lee’s A.I. has outgrown it’s original parameters and developed the desire to abduct him and subject him to the repetitive logic that governs their livelihood. His last recorded whereabouts are unknown…

Tristan – Senior Developer

This week I have been working on bugs of all shapes and sizes. Namely in the new inventory system, melee and the weapons spread. I have also been fixing up some major memory leaks that we finally managed to track down to the Ikas. Darn AI. Can’t trust them as far as you can throw em 😉

Yves – Senior Developer

All types of bug fixes, but looking forward to working on some new features next week.

Ricky – Developer

Checking over all the bugs from Steam, Trello and elsewhere and fixing the funk out of them. Alot of little annoying bugs made it into the last release so they got a good look at. Now we can move on and look forward to planning the next stream of lovely new features based on your feedback and our own opinions of the important next steps. It will be interesting to see, dattebayo!

Marcin – Designer

The intensity of work on the Juggernaut is now over 9000. I’ve been on it pretty much constantly since last week, if there was nothing to fix for the v0.1.8 or 9, of course, and we are making good progress. The destructible armour is in, the ability to grab and smash its legs is too. Weak spots are getting there and I am just ironing out the technical foundations for climbing on the Juggernaut’s back.

There is still plenty to do, however. All the attacks need proper implementations and visuals and we need tweaks to the behaviours and animations. This is easily the most complex thing I have so far worked on and I can’t wait until it’s fully playable.

Joe – Environment Artist

After our last release I went back to the ‘Elephant’ neutral creature to get the mesh, textures and visuals done and ready for animation! Once he was polished up I worked on a few other left over bits and pieces with the Cybermancer armour pieces, minor UI fixes and some tweaks to the numbers of Flora/Fauna in the world. You should see the latter in the coming hotfix 🙂


I’ve now moved back onto our new map, looking over what still needs doing before we unleash it upon you all…

Tom – Character Artist

I’m scheming up plans for the near future! I will also be starting on some smaller neutral creatures very soon! Stay tuned!

Lauren – Animator

This week I have been mostly helping out with testing the latest releases and fixing some minor bugs. I have also been rigging up the new weapon part meshes from the modelling machine that is Matt Clark. Next task will be to rig up the ‘elephant’ beasty ready for animation.

Simone – Concept Artist

Hi Everyone! This week I’ve been working on concepts for a fuel cell that will be used to power different objects within the game, as well as a water tank for housing your water supply.


Andy – Lead QA

Our main focus this week was the hotfix. Tidying up as many issues as we could which meant my week was spent talking to you guys on the Steam forums and writing up the issues you found as well as any additional ones that myself or the guys in the studio found. From then I spent the week testing the fixes the guys had put in.

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix

v0.1.8 Released – New Inventory & Utilities!


Greetings Pioneers!

It’s been a very busy week here at Flix, our very own John Tearle is currently in Austin Texas at SXSW Gaming, talking about Eden Star. Check out his talk yesterday on the Twitch stage:
Including a secret preview of the progress on the Juggernaut… 😀

The rest of us have been busy getting the new inventory system ready and today we have a shiny new release for you guys! Scroll down for the patch notes.

The new Inventory system should really open up the possibilities for new expansions in materials, crafting and exploration in the future. With the new Armoury Utility, you can now create compound materials from raw materials, this creates more variety and a bit more challenge to creating advanced weaponry.


“New materials? But where will I put them??” Good news! We have a new Lockbox utility that expands the storage space available and frees up your inventory. We have also added a Drop Bag that allows players to recover any inventory items lost on death (provided you get to it in time and it’s not fallen off the edge of the world).

We have changed the way Fortifications, Lights and Doors are built to make the placement of them more intuitive. Now you can hover over a structure with the modification selected and it will automatically detect the best fitting shape (no more searching for a specific fortification shape to fit).


We have also made a few tweaks to the balancing to reduce the difficulty for new players and re-added Kinetic Blast and Smash as starting abilities (because they’re awesome). Let us know what you think of these changes, any feedback is invaluable.

Recent Known Issues

  • It’s difficult to access different lock boxes/armory that are in very close proximity of each other, try to avoid placing in the same cell. We aim to resolve this in the upcoming hotfix.
  • Currently The Armoury UI does not inform you of the amount of items produced by a Schematic. We aim to resolve this in the upcoming hotfix.
  • We have discovered a crash to do with DirectX 12 and Windows 10.
  • It sometimes difficult to enter Build Mode with Q while holding a gun. A quick workaround is to activate the Blast Module (default: “1”) before pressing Q.  We aim to resolve this in the upcoming hotfix.
  • Sometimes Enemies can damage you when they are attacking your structures from afar, we are working hard to track this one down.

For more known issues see our updated known issues list.

There will also be an update to our guide coming very soon!


  • This update requires a wipe of save files as there has been a lot changed and we have had to re-factor what is saved for the new inventory system.
  • If you are hosting a server, please remember to update it to the latest version.


  • New Inventory System!
  • UI overhaul, crafting, drag and drop interface. – This new system paves the way for future expansions in enemy and environment drops, compound materials, crafting and Pioneer customisation. Also updates Crafting, Eden Kit and Equipment tabs.
  • Added Compound Materials – 5 new materials that can be crafted from raw materials and used in advanced weaponry crafting.
  • New Utility – Lockbox – For all your extra storage needs!
  • New Utility – Armoury – Required to craft Compound Materials, Modules, Weapons, and Ammo.
  • Drop bags – You can now drop multiple items for your friends to pick up and recover your inventory if you die on the battlefield. There is however no recovery if you fall off the edge of the world 🙁 …
  • New modifications system – simplified way to add Lights, Fortifications and Doors to your primitives. Simply select your modification, aim at the primitive and the appropriate variant will be selected for you!
  • New raw material: Plasmafire! Splintermite shards can now be absorbed in order to obtain this. Used to craft a compound material used for weapon ammunition.


Please note: all additions and balancing will be subject to change as development continues. Your feedback is massively valuable to us during this process, so please join in on the discussions across the forum.


  • MATA Modules are now considered to be items with their own individual upgrades. You can have as many modules as you can afford and carry, but their upgrades are now permanent.
  • Changed inventory default key from Tab to I (Tab doesn’t play nicely with UMG). The colony menu is also accessed through I.
  • Changed Build mode from 2 to Q – Build mode is no longer a primary module and is now built into to the Tool. Primary modules are still accessed using 1,2 and 3. You can no longer access your weapons from Q and must use 4 or 5.
  • Laser weapon code have been changed to work the same way as bullet weapons. This should provide more consistent targeting across all weapons as well as has allowed us to fix a few hitbox issues.
  • Items now take a small amount of time to craft.
  • It once again possible to shoot through holes in damaged primitives with bullet and laser weaponry. Destruction level of primitives does not affect projectile weaponry.
  • Increased damage of all bullet weapons by 10%
  • Decreased Stalker running speed by 25%
  • Decreased auto and missile turret damage by 15%
  • Decreased Ika Vortex damage by 40%
  • Adjusted the calculation that determines the number of enemies that spawn when you have no defences around your Eden Kit. This should help with the excessive starting difficulty level that a lot of people have been encountering.
  • Falling structures now physicalise with the world.
  • Re-enabled Kinetic Blast as a default starting Module.
  • Re-enabled Smash as a default starting Upgrade.
  • Made structure lights brighter.
  • Splintermite shards stay around for longer before exploding.


  • Fix for random client crash when building blocks became relevant.
  • Fix for crash when unequipping melee module.
  • Fix for crash when building turrets.
  • Fix for unsupported blocks remaining in structure (floating structures).
  • Fix for crash caused by buildings when joining Multiplayer server.
  • Fixed a culling issue with Splintermites where they would sometimes be invisible but still attack your structures.
  • Fixed a bug with the Ikas where they would sometimes stop flying and not attack you.
  • Fixed a bug with Splintermites where they wouldn’t always explode when they should have.
  • Fixed collision issues with crater left by fallen Eden Kits.
  • Fixed a collision issue which would allow Splintermites to walk through the Laser walls.
  • Fixed an AI recovery issue if a player was holding an AI when that player died in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where AI were sometimes able to still attack when they should have been in ragdoll.
  • Fixed possible Deployment Screen UI issue where it would show incorrect numbers of Eden Kits, or would show you all Eden Kits but after selecting to spawn at one, spawn you elsewhere instead.
  • Fixed an issue with the spawning of creature waves at night was spawning too many.
  • Fixed an issue where Swamp Walkers would attack when they were not supposed to.
  • Fixed issue where trees and plants would remain after mining them.
  • Fixed issue with buildings (especially pillars) not orientating to the structure they were being placed on correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Melee dealing massive damage on single hits (damage being dealt multiple times).
  • Fixed issue with hitboxes for melee and beam weapons.
  • Fixed issue with being able to place eden kits so that they are largely inside terrain rocks and landscape.
  • Fixed issue with holograms saying unstable structure but allowing you to build them
  • Fixed issue with fortification holograms appearing red and saying insufficient funds when you first switch to them.
  • Fixed red arrow on Laser Posts.
  • Fixed building placement in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed crash caused by building in Multiplayer.
  • Fix for Kinetic Laser was using way too much energy.
  • Fix for hologram snapping to wrong location.
  • Fix for placement of lighting.
  • Fix for Gauss Gun PFX continuing after ammo had run out.
  • Fix for Eden Kit foundations causing incorrect snapping.
  • Fix for laser post orientation in Multiplayer.
  • Fix for orientation of foundation pieces.
  • Fix for canceling placement of hologram with RMB
  • Fix for SFX of falling trees in Multiplayer.
  • Fix for strings being truncated in chat.
  • Fix for free placing walls in Multiplayer, their position was previously off.
  • Fix for AOE repair causing massive FPS drop.
  • Fixed issue where switching between primary weapon and modules would cause a hologram to appear in front of you
  • Fixed issue for player not being able to see foliage regrow in multiplayer game
  • Fixed issue where pistol was not working in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with changing currently equipped gun weapons in the menu would cause the arms to stay in a weapon holding animation but with no gun present
  • Fixed issue with trees in the swamp area not regrowing
  • Fixed issue with foliage not providing tool energy when mining
  • Fixed issue for beam weapons not stopping at impact points when viewed from other players machines in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with occasionally not being able to absorb mineral shards in multiplayer
  • Fix for eden kit markers not showing up differently on minimap and ui
  • Fixed issue with regen pfx not always turning off when regen was complete
  • Fixed issue with fortification holograms showing all possible fortifications
  • Fixed issue with Splintermite shards glowing blue when smashing them in single player
  • Cleaned up screen shakes occurring all the time at night

See you in the fray

– Team Flix