Casual Connect Kiev

Hi everyone,

What a crazy few weeks it has been for Flix. This past weekend we have been at Minecon out in Florida, but we’ll have a full update dedicated that later this week.  In this particular update we are going to concentrate on our time in the incredible Ukrainian city of Kiev.

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We were fortunate enough to be invited to Casual Connect as part of the Indie Showcase. It was an absolute privilege to be included alongside such talented indie developers. A special thanks goes to our ever Humble but supremely talented Francesco Maisto, the man behind the hideously addictive and elegantly beautiful puzzle game QUAD.

Another special mention Goes to Alex and Andrey from Rushlab. They showed us their current iPad based project Universe, which was absolutely incredible and will be coming to Kickstarter very soon. The game felt like a combination of the board game Eclipse and EVE online and looked simply stunning. So please keep an eye out.

casual connect kiev

A big thank you has to go to the people of Kiev, not only for their valuable feedback but also the warm welcome. Over the two days hundreds of people got hands on with Eden Star and the feedback was generally positive from both devs and conference goers alike. It was interesting seeing the game being played by a more casual audience and to see how well the game translated for non-English speaking gamers.


On a final note the apartment block we stayed in was awesome. It was a former soviet tower block that was reminiscent of a film set if they made a Half Life 2 movie. The last thanks has to go to the most important people we met on our trip, our two new Lebanese friends who served us the world’s greatest falafel at 4 in the morning, when everywhere else in Kiev was closed.

Stay tuned for more news.


flix kiev stairway