Welcome Traveller…
… to another Eden Star update! Today we are delving into the weapons blueprints again, more specifically the Rifle blueprint, currently known as “The super awesome alien blaster ray” internally. As with the pistol, all slug weaponry is a design choice implemented for those who just want a good old fashioned way of slinging lead down range, but they are also a specific reminder that Teslinium is a finite resource, used for only a few specific tasks due to its rarity. Teslinium shards are crafted into Spire grade Mata-Tools (Remote Manipulation Devices) and earned by the highest class of Pioneers of the migration fleet. Pioneers are augmented humans, often mutated in order to wield Spire grade technology, in the form of a Mata-Tool, used to manipulate matter and harness energy into Kinetic forces. This provides them with the power to craft and change the world around them. Teslinium is in short supply as it is used to primarily power interstellar travel and when used for such feats, is no longer a perpetual energy source, but a finite and valuable resource that appears to have no specific origin, only found scattered throughout the universe.
Therefore, think of MATA-Tool Teslinium technology as new and in its infancy. Slug weaponry still exists, is cheap and is here to stay, but so does augmented tech… Such as Teslinium reaper clips; a Faazah Corp, blueprint and also Kinetic seeker rounds by Aeon Systems… All of these are Lore based additions that the team want to add as development progresses…

As with our other physical weapon Blueprints, the grand vision for Rifles is a level of customisation delivered by crafting different component Blueprint parts. Please note: in the first early access release of the game, the modular weapon crafting feature WILL NOT YET BE AVAILABLE but you will definitely be able to craft the rifle as a single/whole item. Customisation and modularity comes later!
Throughout the design process we went through many iterations for the modular rifle blueprint system aesthetic. Each component’s size, colour and shape would need to feel unique yet act like a modular part to fit with components from a different blueprint. Each part would also need to be balanced, considering mechanics such as rate of fire, reticle design, spread, zoom or sight enhancement and the amount and type of damage it can do. The first version of the compiled Rifle that you see in the video, and available to craft in the early access release as a single item, is the compiled Aeon Systems Stock (inc. Grip), Top Rail, Firing System (Energy/Ammo Source) and Barrel.

Although there is still some balancing tweaks to do, this weapon really has come a long way and we are really happy with the (almost) finished result. For the rifles we wanted to put a futuristic spin on what is essentially a traditional weapon, which meant taking a look a lot of different weapons, much in the same way as our pistol. Everything from SMGs to LMGs, from video games to books were used in our research. From recoil to bullet spread and range, we wanted the weapon to feels as good as it looks. This setup has a three round burst fire with a 1.5x Zoom and 30 rounds in the clip. It fires almost as quickly as you can pull the trigger allowing you to lay waste to all that stand in your way with a well placed shot!
This is still a work in progress so remember to stay tuned for further details in future posts, and until then, happy hunting!